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2024-2025 Board Slate 


At the May meeting, we have an important order of business to elect a new board of directors and officers for this year. As announced in our April meeting, the nominating committee has presented the following slate of nominees to serve on the board for the remainder of this program year:


President: Heather Chester

VP of Programming: Melody Desilets

VP Membership: Kimberly Riching

Treasurer: Renee Porter Medley

Secretary: Jennifer Denike


Board Members:

Courtney Lovejoy

Tamika Peters

Laura Ragain

Trevor Whitley


Any member, by notice in writing filed with the Secretary at least two days before the annual meeting, or by floor nomination, may nominate additional candidates to serve on the board of directors as long as they are a member in good standing. This year’s slate presents 9 people for election, and the by-laws allow for a board of up to 13 people.

Planned Giving Council of Lee County, Inc.

4600 Summerlin Road Suite C2-478

Fort Myers, FL 33919

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